Probability Snail Race
These are our best snails 6, 7 and 8. 6 has 3 chances of the dice landing on it's numbers, 7 also has 3 chances and 8 has also has 3. Our worst snails were 1 - who can't move at all - and 12 - who only has one chance of moving.
Instructions on how to play.
- Set up a board and 12 snails
- make sure someone is in charge of moving each snail
- Take turns rolling two dice and add up the numbers
- Move that number snail one place along the baord
- keep playing until there is a first second and third snail
How many chances does each snail have of winning???
1: 0
2: 1/36
3: 2/36
4: 3/36
5: 4/36
6: 5/36
7: 6/36
8: 5/36
9: 4/36
10: 3/36
11: 2/36
12: 1/36