Monday, 18 September 2017

Snail Race Maths

Probability Snail Race

These are our best snails 6, 7 and 8. 6 has 3 chances of the dice landing on it's numbers, 7 also has 3 chances and 8 has also has 3. Our worst snails were 1 - who can't move at all - and 12 - who only has one chance of moving.

Instructions on how to play.

  1. Set up a board and 12 snails 
  2. make sure someone is in charge of moving each snail
  3. Take turns rolling two dice and add up the numbers 
  4. Move that number snail one place along the baord
  5. keep playing until there is a first second and third snail

How many chances does each snail have of winning???

1:        0 
2:    1/36
3:    2/36
4:    3/36
5:    4/36
6:    5/36
7:    6/36
 8:     5/36
9:    4/36
10:    3/36
11:   2/36
12:   1/36