Hayley’s Horror
“Listen to the story of Hayley and how it got called Hayley’s Horror…
Once the was a girl called Hayley and she was an orintera. There was one path she always went on to walk her dog. But one day that all changed. She went in and never came out! Some people say she ran away but we say she sunk in the mud; so be careful, you never know when she is about to come at you…” This was the intro we got before we went in.
First of all we were crawling through a muddy sewer, the horrible stench climbing up nose. Five minutes later my feet stumbled trying to keep my balance along the slippery surface. Ten minutes later I fell into the muddiest mud bath ever. Continuing our walk with the sound of mud squelching under my own feet. Fifteen minutes later climbing up a mud monster as big as a mountain slipping with every step with every step, with the rope sliding out of my hands. Screams come from the open air. What's that I thought to myself, as the mud oozed over my head. Flicking my head around, making the mud fly off into the air. My mouth was growing from one ear to the other. Laughter coming out of my mouth as everyone started throwing mud!
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